Coffee Description Masterpost

Acidity: a sharp pleasing characteristic particularly strong with certain origins. As opposed to a caustic over-fermented sour or bitter flavor.

Body: a strong, full, and pleasant characteristic as opposed to being thin (not necessarily with acid).

Bitter: usually caused by over-roasting

Coarse: a raspy, harsh flavor, lacking in finesse.

Erpsing: a potato flavor

Earthy: a wet-earth flavor after storage with damaged coffees

Fine: a coffee with distinct quality characteristics such as acid, body, etc

Fiery: a bitter charcoal taste generally due to over-roasting

Flat: a lifeless coffee lacking in any acidity

Full: a prefix to good characteristic such as acid and body, to indicate a strong character

Fruity: a strong over ripe characteristic prevalent in coffees left too long in the cherry

Grassy: a greenish grassy, or greenish flavor particularly strong with early crop Arabica’s which have been picked prematurely

Harsh: a hard, raspy, often caustic, flavor sometimes described as Rioy

Mellow: a rounded smooth taste, but lacking in acidity

Muddy: a dull indistinct and thick flavor. This can be due to grounds being agitated

Musty: a flavor often due to poor storage, especially with Robusta’s. Can be due to lack of sufficient drying, and aging, or over-heating. Mustiness due to age is not undesirable

Neutral: insignificant liquor, not distinct in any powerful main flavors. Usually a good blender

Nutty: this aroma is reminiscent of the odor and flavor of fresh nuts (distinct from rancid nuts) and not of bitter almonds

Point: a fine acidity sharpness

Rank: a dirty unpleasant flavor due mainly to contamination or over fermentation

Rich: an overall lively and full bodied flavor

Rubbery: mainly prevalent in Robusta’s, especially Indonesians.

Smooth: a full body, but low acid coffee

Soft: a well rounded flavor, lacking any harshness or acidity

Sour: a sharp excessively acidic bitter flavor

Sweet: a nice clean soft coffee free of any harshness

Thin: a flat lifeless coffee lacking any body or acidity that can be caused if it is under brewed

Wild: a gamy flavor often in Ethiopian coffees

Winey: a rich, rounded, full-body coffee with a smoothness characteristic of well matured red wine. A flavor which is prevalent with Colombians

Woody: a hard, wood like flavor often due to old coffee which has been stored too long as a green bean

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